We really enjoyed presenting our learning to you! Thank you for coming.
We had a very fast day, therefore we only have 2 things to share about our learning today:
1. "In Writer's Workshop we learned about all the things you need to do to get green light" D.T.
2. " In Follow Your Passion Friday I learned how to do yarn letter wrapping" O.F.
"In Follow Your Passion Friday I learned you have to think how to make a tower out of 6 cups and not use your hands" D.G.
"In Follow Your Passion Friday I learned how to take a photo of a line that is not just a line" N.G.
1. STEM night next Thursday.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Inventing for the Year 3018
Tomorrow is our assembly! Please remember to wear a bright colored shirt.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Inquiry we learned what can be like in 3018 and we thought of something to build for 3018" M.S.
2. "In Music we did our Little Red Riding Hood play" D.T.
3. With Mr. Cartier we learned how to a make a story with the ozobots" S.M. and A.D.
1. STEM night next Thursday, December 6th at 6-7:30pm.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Inquiry we learned what can be like in 3018 and we thought of something to build for 3018" M.S.
2. "In Music we did our Little Red Riding Hood play" D.T.
3. With Mr. Cartier we learned how to a make a story with the ozobots" S.M. and A.D.
1. STEM night next Thursday, December 6th at 6-7:30pm.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Comparing the Past, Present and Future
We need to wear a bright colored shirt for our assembly on Friday. Some colors that Room 2 thought would be good are:
- yellow
-light purple
We have been working a lot on adding/combining different digits. Today we learned how to 'trade up' for a 10 rod using units or 1 cubes. We used this skill to help us solve a magic square problem. Our brains hurt from all the thinking we had to do! If you would like to practice some magic squares at home there are a variety that can be found at: https://www.dadsworksheets.com/puzzles/3x3-magic-square.html
We have been looking at the past, present and future. Today we focused on what the world may look like, sound, and feel like in 3018. We watched a short clip of 'The Jetsons' to give us an idea of some of the differences. I encourage you to have a chat with your child about what they noticed.
Afterwards we did a sorting activity in which students looked at pictures of Metaghan in the early 1900s to compare transportation, shelter, clothing, ways of getting food and fun activities.
3 things we learned today:
1. In Math we learned how to play Magic Square. I had to trade 10s to try and make 15" M.M.
2. In Inquiry we learned what a shelter and a fun activity and what clothing and transportation was a century" J.V.
3. "In gym we learned that sometimes we can play a basketball game in a group of 4 or 10" M.S.
1. Our assembly is this Friday at 10am! We're excited to share our learning!
2. STEM night, next Thursday, December 7th at 6pm.
3. Fun lunch tomorrow.
- yellow
-light purple
We have been working a lot on adding/combining different digits. Today we learned how to 'trade up' for a 10 rod using units or 1 cubes. We used this skill to help us solve a magic square problem. Our brains hurt from all the thinking we had to do! If you would like to practice some magic squares at home there are a variety that can be found at: https://www.dadsworksheets.com/puzzles/3x3-magic-square.html
We have been looking at the past, present and future. Today we focused on what the world may look like, sound, and feel like in 3018. We watched a short clip of 'The Jetsons' to give us an idea of some of the differences. I encourage you to have a chat with your child about what they noticed.
Afterwards we did a sorting activity in which students looked at pictures of Metaghan in the early 1900s to compare transportation, shelter, clothing, ways of getting food and fun activities.
3 things we learned today:
1. In Math we learned how to play Magic Square. I had to trade 10s to try and make 15" M.M.
2. In Inquiry we learned what a shelter and a fun activity and what clothing and transportation was a century" J.V.
3. "In gym we learned that sometimes we can play a basketball game in a group of 4 or 10" M.S.
1. Our assembly is this Friday at 10am! We're excited to share our learning!
2. STEM night, next Thursday, December 7th at 6pm.
3. Fun lunch tomorrow.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Parents! We are in need of some volunteers (2-3) for tomorrow morning to help with painting our clay animals. If you are able to help (9-10:30) please email me.
As we are painting tomorrow please wear an old t-shirt or bring a paint shirt. We will be using acrylic paints which can stain.
What we Learned Today:
1. "In Math we learned how to group by 10s and 1s to help us solve the Mr. Emery and Mrs. Ramsay problem". Miss. Moore
2. "In Gym we learned how to shoot a basketball" J.V.
3. " In Reader's Workshop we learned about using our Eagle Eyes" S.M. Ask me what that means!
1. Fun lunch this week
2. Grade 2 Assembly this Friday, November 30th at 10am.
As we are painting tomorrow please wear an old t-shirt or bring a paint shirt. We will be using acrylic paints which can stain.
What we Learned Today:
1. "In Math we learned how to group by 10s and 1s to help us solve the Mr. Emery and Mrs. Ramsay problem". Miss. Moore
2. "In Gym we learned how to shoot a basketball" J.V.
3. " In Reader's Workshop we learned about using our Eagle Eyes" S.M. Ask me what that means!
1. Fun lunch this week
2. Grade 2 Assembly this Friday, November 30th at 10am.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
It's Interview Time!
Hello Parents! I am looking forward to having a learning conversation about your child to celebrate their growth and development. If you have not yet set up a time for an interview, please call the front office to make an appointment.
As part of our Ingenuity Challenge and the theme of 3018 we brainstormed what life will be like in 3018. Then we created a giant timeline to figure out how many years away is 3018 from 2018. Ask your child if they were able to figure that out (it also helped us with our skip counting!)
We finished our exploration around the best way to count when we have a large number of objects. What was the result? Why is counting by this number the best way? Ask your student to tell you!
**We will be painting our clay animals this Tuesday, November 27th. We are needing some parent volunteers to help with the painting from 9:00-10:30ish. If you are able to help out and have valid clearance, please send me an email.
1. Grade 2 Assembly on Friday November 30th at 10:00am!
2. Volunteers needed for painting on Tuesday, November 27th at 9:00am. Please email to help.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Today we finished brainstorming what important information we will need to know about our animals from Meteghan to move them to a new home where they will survive and thrive. The questions we came up with were:
1. What do (name of animal) need to eat?
2. What type of shelter does a ____ have?
3. What enemies does a _____ have?
4. What does a _____ look like?
These questions will help us gather our research information about our animals.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "Today with Mr. Cartier we learned to make a story with Ozobots". O.S.
2. "In Writer's Workshop we read a story called The Very Hungry Caterpillar because it had an exciting beginning" M.S.
3. "In Gym we learned how to play Slithering Snake" S.C.
1. Assembly TIME CHANGE. Due to our Follow Your Passion Friday schedule, our assembly will now be at 10:00am on Friday, November 30th.
2. Chapters Book Night tonight at the Chapters. Please see the notice that went home on Friday, November 16th.
1. What do (name of animal) need to eat?
2. What type of shelter does a ____ have?
3. What enemies does a _____ have?
4. What does a _____ look like?
These questions will help us gather our research information about our animals.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "Today with Mr. Cartier we learned to make a story with Ozobots". O.S.
2. "In Writer's Workshop we read a story called The Very Hungry Caterpillar because it had an exciting beginning" M.S.
3. "In Gym we learned how to play Slithering Snake" S.C.
1. Assembly TIME CHANGE. Due to our Follow Your Passion Friday schedule, our assembly will now be at 10:00am on Friday, November 30th.
2. Chapters Book Night tonight at the Chapters. Please see the notice that went home on Friday, November 16th.
Monday, November 19, 2018
The Mystery Box has been opened!
Today we got to open our Mystery Box! We waited with baited breath as Miss. Moore opened the box only to discover.....a box full of masking tape??!! All we know is that the theme of our Ingenuity Challenge this year is 'The Year 3018'. We look forward to hearing the specifics of the challenge tomorrow.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We learned that animals need certain things to survive because we have to move them to a new home" M.M. and O.F.
2. "We learned about exciting beginnings in Writer's Workshop" J.H and C.S.
3. "We learned how to do tapigami because there was tape in our Mystery box" M.C.
1. "Parent teacher interviews are this Thursday and Friday." S.M.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We learned that animals need certain things to survive because we have to move them to a new home" M.M. and O.F.
2. "We learned about exciting beginnings in Writer's Workshop" J.H and C.S.
3. "We learned how to do tapigami because there was tape in our Mystery box" M.C.
1. "Parent teacher interviews are this Thursday and Friday." S.M.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Our First Follow Your Passion Friday!
Students were really excited to arrive to school to engage in our first session of Follow Your Passion Fridays. I encourage you to ask your child all about it!
Homework: This week students were presented with the problem that a hurricane has hit Meteghan. The people have left for safety and many of the animals are stranded. They no longer have access to their basic needs. As a scientist, we need to think of the best way to help the animals. What would they do?
On Monday, we will open our mystery boxes that have been sitting in our iLab this week. Today we explored the boxes through our five senses (minus taste). We're pretty convinced that the boxes are full of frozen pizza. Won't we be surprised come Monday!
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "Today I learned that you have to make a plan before you start sewing" M.C.
2. "We learned how to make a mosaic" D.T.
3. "We learned how to focus photos on iPads to take pictures" N.G.
1. Parent Teacher Interviews next Thursday November 22nd and Friday November 23rd. Please sign up online.
Homework: This week students were presented with the problem that a hurricane has hit Meteghan. The people have left for safety and many of the animals are stranded. They no longer have access to their basic needs. As a scientist, we need to think of the best way to help the animals. What would they do?
On Monday, we will open our mystery boxes that have been sitting in our iLab this week. Today we explored the boxes through our five senses (minus taste). We're pretty convinced that the boxes are full of frozen pizza. Won't we be surprised come Monday!
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "Today I learned that you have to make a plan before you start sewing" M.C.
2. "We learned how to make a mosaic" D.T.
3. "We learned how to focus photos on iPads to take pictures" N.G.
1. Parent Teacher Interviews next Thursday November 22nd and Friday November 23rd. Please sign up online.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
What's the Best Way to Count?
Today we spent a long time problem solving around the question of 'What is the best way to count?' Each student was provided with a bag of objects and had to decide how to count them. Some counted by 2s, some by 5s, some by 10s. Which way was the best? I encourage you to have a conversation with your child as to what they counted by and why. We will talk about our reflections tomorrow in class to see if we can conclude what is the best way to count when working with numbers.
1. Please sign up for a Parent Teacher Interview time for next Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23rd. You can find the link through your My CBE Account.
2. Book orders due tomorrow.
3. Grade 2 Assembly on Friday, November 30th at 11:00am. We'd love to see you!
1. Please sign up for a Parent Teacher Interview time for next Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23rd. You can find the link through your My CBE Account.
2. Book orders due tomorrow.
3. Grade 2 Assembly on Friday, November 30th at 11:00am. We'd love to see you!
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
We Went to the Zoo!, Zoo! Zoo!
We had a fantastic time at the zoo today! We were able to see the animals be very active today due to the colder weather. Ask your child what interesting new facts they learned about the pandas. Each student was able to find a foreign animal and reflect on how the zoo is providing for it's basic needs.
When we got back to school, we discovered that Meteghan (who we are becoming experts at) has been hit by a 'hurricane'. The animals have now been abandoned and we now need to figure out how to help them.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We learned that people in China help the pandas because they want to help them survive and they help them get into the zoo" A.M.
2. "We learned that in camels humps they keep fat" M.C.
3."We learned that hurricanes start over warm waters" A. D.
1. Cookie dough orders due back no later than Monday, November 19th.
2. Book orders due on Friday, November 16th.
3. Parent Teacher Interview online booking opened this morning. Please book at time through My CBE Account or the school website link.
4. Room 2 will be presenting at the November 30th assembly. You are invited to come!
When we got back to school, we discovered that Meteghan (who we are becoming experts at) has been hit by a 'hurricane'. The animals have now been abandoned and we now need to figure out how to help them.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We learned that people in China help the pandas because they want to help them survive and they help them get into the zoo" A.M.
2. "We learned that in camels humps they keep fat" M.C.
3."We learned that hurricanes start over warm waters" A. D.
1. Cookie dough orders due back no later than Monday, November 19th.
2. Book orders due on Friday, November 16th.
3. Parent Teacher Interview online booking opened this morning. Please book at time through My CBE Account or the school website link.
4. Room 2 will be presenting at the November 30th assembly. You are invited to come!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
The best way to count
We are off to the zoo tomorrow! Today we reflected on why the Panda bears came to the zoo and how we think they moved from China to Calgary. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about their thoughts regarding these two questions.
We had a conversation at the end of the day about being prepared for tomorrow both in shoes and clothing. Please help your son/daughter choose the most appropriate clothing for tomorrow.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. How to count a group of object in different ways. We were looking at the question of 'what is the best way to count my bag of blocks?'
2. That sometimes animals are taken out of their natural habitat for good reasons.
3. That fire drills can happen when you least expect them...like at 3:00!
1. Cookie dough orders due back no later than Monday, November 19th.
2. Book orders due back no later than Friday, November 16th.
We had a conversation at the end of the day about being prepared for tomorrow both in shoes and clothing. Please help your son/daughter choose the most appropriate clothing for tomorrow.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. How to count a group of object in different ways. We were looking at the question of 'what is the best way to count my bag of blocks?'
2. That sometimes animals are taken out of their natural habitat for good reasons.
3. That fire drills can happen when you least expect them...like at 3:00!
1. Cookie dough orders due back no later than Monday, November 19th.
2. Book orders due back no later than Friday, November 16th.
Friday, November 9, 2018
A Question to Think About..
This weekend we have a question to discuss and think about with you! The question is:
"Is okay to move an animal out of it's natural habitat? Why or why not?' We talked again about our work empathy and how these animals might feel if they are moved. This will lead us into our learning at the zoo next week and further into our Inquiry question of 'What is the Power of Movement?
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In our Remembrance Day ceremony we learned that there was a bear named Winnie that was in the war. There is a book about this bear called Winnie the Pooh" O.S.
2. "In Science we learned that the balloon in the hot water did not pop. It got bigger. The balloon in the cold water deflated." J.V. I wonder why?
3."Today we learned about our new buddies. We got our new buddies and drew pictures of them and wrote about them" L.S.
1. Zoo Field Study next Wednesday. Thank you-we are good for volunteers!
2. Parent Teacher Interviews are coming-Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23rd. Details coming soon.
"Is okay to move an animal out of it's natural habitat? Why or why not?' We talked again about our work empathy and how these animals might feel if they are moved. This will lead us into our learning at the zoo next week and further into our Inquiry question of 'What is the Power of Movement?
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In our Remembrance Day ceremony we learned that there was a bear named Winnie that was in the war. There is a book about this bear called Winnie the Pooh" O.S.
2. "In Science we learned that the balloon in the hot water did not pop. It got bigger. The balloon in the cold water deflated." J.V. I wonder why?
3."Today we learned about our new buddies. We got our new buddies and drew pictures of them and wrote about them" L.S.
1. Zoo Field Study next Wednesday. Thank you-we are good for volunteers!
2. Parent Teacher Interviews are coming-Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23rd. Details coming soon.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Unexpected Move
As communicated a couple days ago, today we were able to learn through pretending that a natural disaster happened in our classroom. Our students had many questions this morning when they discovered the classroom furniture was moved around and caution tape was on the doors. It was interesting to listen to their ideas and curiosities as we travelled to RT Alderman to continue our learning in a ‘temporary’ location. This lead to a morning where we learned all about things such as; what happens in a real natural disaster, real life problem solving, hypothesizing what might have happened in our classroom, empathy for others who face unexpected challenges and some great story writing.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "Today we learned about empathy so our classroom was blocked off with caution tape and everything was trashed around places" S.M.
2. "At R.T. Alderman we learned about our basic needs and what we would use to survive if we had to be evacuated for the whole day" S.C.
3. "Today we learned a new song and it is called The Prep Step" M.S.
1. I can wear my scouts, beavers, guides or brownies uniform to school tomorrow for our Remembrance Day assembly.
2. Please return zoo field study to school ASAP.
3. Book orders are due no later than Friday, November 16th.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Learning to Become Scientists
Today we dove deeply into our first Science experiment. The question was: "What will happen when we put a balloon in cold water?" and "What will happen when we put a balloon in hot water?" I encourage you to ask your child tonight what their predictions were and the reasons behind it.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Writer's Workshop we learned how to do a 4 Square Plan" N. G.
2. "In Science we learned that a good scientist always needs to do a hypothesis before an experiment" S.C.
3. "In Music we practiced the Moment of Silence" J.V.
1. Book orders due back no later than Friday, November 16th.
2. Fun lunch tomorrow.
3. Evacuation simulation tomorrow.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Writer's Workshop we learned how to do a 4 Square Plan" N. G.
2. "In Science we learned that a good scientist always needs to do a hypothesis before an experiment" S.C.
3. "In Music we practiced the Moment of Silence" J.V.
1. Book orders due back no later than Friday, November 16th.
2. Fun lunch tomorrow.
3. Evacuation simulation tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Clay building day!
We had a great day with Mrs. Dennis creating our clay animal sculptures. The students were very engaged in handling and creating their animals. Enjoy the sneak peek with some pictures below.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Art we learned that the water is like glue when we were building with clay" L.M.
2. "In Math we learned that we can build a number in a lot of different ways" A.D.
3. "In Writer's Workshop we learned about 4 square planning" D.T.
1. Remembrance Day Assembly is on Friday, November 9th at 11am. You are welcome to attend.
2. Zoo field trip forms back now.
3. Fun lunch this Thursday.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Art we learned that the water is like glue when we were building with clay" L.M.
2. "In Math we learned that we can build a number in a lot of different ways" A.D.
3. "In Writer's Workshop we learned about 4 square planning" D.T.
1. Remembrance Day Assembly is on Friday, November 9th at 11am. You are welcome to attend.
2. Zoo field trip forms back now.
3. Fun lunch this Thursday.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Coastal Experts
Today the students explored the region of the Atlantic coast further. We compiled a list of all the animals we found through research that live in this area. Then we focused on 5 of those animals to create a sculpture from. Tomorrow morning, with the help of Mrs. Dennis, and some parent volunteers we will be creating a realistic sculpture of our animals. Stay tuned for pictures!
If you would like to send an old shirt for your child to wear during our clay sculptures, please send one in their backpack.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We learned that good readers read with expression." J.H.
2. "We learned how to draw either an orca, a grizzly bear, a puffin, a caribou and a humpback whale" N.G.
3. "In Gym we learned to chest pass and bounce pass with the basketball" S.C.
On Friday we will be having our Remembrance Day Assembly at 11:00am. If you would like to bring a donation for a poppy, your child will discuss with you about how much they would like to bring. If you go to Scouts, Brownies or Beavers, you are welcome to wear your uniform that day.
1. Book orders due back no later than Friday, November 16th.
2. Cookie orders due back no later than Monday, November 19th.
3. Fun lunch this Thursday, November 8th. It is Little Caesars.
**Important Note: As part of our look at disasters and the power of movement, we will be having the students participate in a pretend disaster evacuation on Thursday morning. This will be a surprise for the students, but the intention is for them to develop empathy for people who really do experience a disaster. We are asking parents to please NOT reveal this information to their child as to help with the realness of the simulation.
We will be walking over to R.T. Alderman that morning to follow our real evacuation protocol. We will be looking at the feelings, and behaviours of what happens during a disaster. Students will be engaged in learning activities that day over at R.T. We will be returning around 11:30am. If you have any particular questions about this experience, please feel free to email me.
If you would like to send an old shirt for your child to wear during our clay sculptures, please send one in their backpack.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We learned that good readers read with expression." J.H.
2. "We learned how to draw either an orca, a grizzly bear, a puffin, a caribou and a humpback whale" N.G.
3. "In Gym we learned to chest pass and bounce pass with the basketball" S.C.
On Friday we will be having our Remembrance Day Assembly at 11:00am. If you would like to bring a donation for a poppy, your child will discuss with you about how much they would like to bring. If you go to Scouts, Brownies or Beavers, you are welcome to wear your uniform that day.
1. Book orders due back no later than Friday, November 16th.
2. Cookie orders due back no later than Monday, November 19th.
3. Fun lunch this Thursday, November 8th. It is Little Caesars.
**Important Note: As part of our look at disasters and the power of movement, we will be having the students participate in a pretend disaster evacuation on Thursday morning. This will be a surprise for the students, but the intention is for them to develop empathy for people who really do experience a disaster. We are asking parents to please NOT reveal this information to their child as to help with the realness of the simulation.
We will be walking over to R.T. Alderman that morning to follow our real evacuation protocol. We will be looking at the feelings, and behaviours of what happens during a disaster. Students will be engaged in learning activities that day over at R.T. We will be returning around 11:30am. If you have any particular questions about this experience, please feel free to email me.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Happy Friday!
Your student should have come home with the Snow device, description and plan today. Some students received feedback from their peers. I encourage you to read over the feedback and determine if it was helpful or not and what changes they would make if there developed another protocol.
1. Cookie dough orders due no later than Monday, November 19th.
2. Please be thinking about the Halloween candy you are sending to school with your child. A lot of candy is coming with peanuts or nuts.
3. As the days are getting colder we are noticing that students are not wearing sufficient jackets. Please ensure your child is bringing a warmer jacket.
1. Cookie dough orders due no later than Monday, November 19th.
2. Please be thinking about the Halloween candy you are sending to school with your child. A lot of candy is coming with peanuts or nuts.
3. As the days are getting colder we are noticing that students are not wearing sufficient jackets. Please ensure your child is bringing a warmer jacket.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Jumping head first into November!
We were quite excited to turn the calendar over into November today. Room 2 is excited to be moving deeper into our inquiry of 'What is the power of Movement?'. Today we finished exploring 3 different Canadian landscapes and the resources found within each to meet our basic needs. I encourage you to ask your child how they would survive within an Arctic, Coastal or Prairie community.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We had a new problem to solve and we had to build and describe a number. S.M.
2. "We had Mr. Cartier in our classroom and we learned how to use ozobots" K.H.
3. "In Inquiry we learned how to look at a landscape to find out basic needs" N.G.
1. Cookie Dough orders due back by Monday, November 19th.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We had a new problem to solve and we had to build and describe a number. S.M.
2. "We had Mr. Cartier in our classroom and we learned how to use ozobots" K.H.
3. "In Inquiry we learned how to look at a landscape to find out basic needs" N.G.
1. Cookie Dough orders due back by Monday, November 19th.
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Week 13 Learning Plan Overview
Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...
This afternoon we had a beautiful day for our walk down to the Andrew Sibbald bridge. We enjoyed watching the river move and all the differe...
3 Things We Learned Today: 1. "In Science we did an experiment of a jar and boiled water and Borax. We mixed them together to see if w...
We learned about the very first way people moved from place to place today! Ask me to find out how! (and this way of transportation is still...