Monday, November 19, 2018

The Mystery Box has been opened!

Today we got to open our Mystery Box! We waited with baited breath as Miss. Moore opened the box only to discover.....a box full of masking tape??!! All we know is that the theme of our Ingenuity Challenge this year is 'The Year 3018'. We look forward to hearing the specifics of the challenge tomorrow.

3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "We learned that animals need certain things to survive because we have to move them to a new home" M.M. and O.F.
2. "We learned about exciting beginnings in Writer's Workshop" J.H and C.S.
3. "We learned how to do tapigami because there was tape in our Mystery box" M.C.

1. "Parent teacher interviews are this Thursday and Friday." S.M.

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...