Monday, January 28, 2019

The Cookie Fiasco

Today we read a story called 'The Cookie Fiasco'. It presented the problem of having 6 cookies which had to be divided between the four characters. How could they figure out how to scare this evenly?
Thankfully the story had a happy ending!
Then we were presented with the story of having to share 6 cookies amongst a girl Katarina, a boy Logan and ourself. However, the problem is that Katrina can only have 1 cookie. How will we share the cookies?
I encourage you to discuss how they would solve this. We will continue to work on solving this tomorrow.

3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Math we are learning how to share 6 cookies." L.M.
    "Between 3 people. One of the characters can only have 1 cookie. How do we divide them?" M.C., L.S., and M.S.
2. "In Writer's Workshop we learned what non-fiction and fiction stories are." S.C.
3. "In Gym we did Mission Impossible. I learned that you can't touch any obstacles or you have to go to the start of the line." A.D.

1. Report cards coming home Thursday, January 31st.
2. No school on Friday.

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...