Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Our Final Day With Miss. Rebecca

It was great to be back with Room 2 today! I had a fantastic time away engaged in some amazing professional development. Ask your child what was interesting about Miss. Moore's time away. ;)

Today was our final day with Miss. Rebecca. We focused on drawing our animal, however this time we used black marker and white charcoal to create shading. We also practiced sketching to music to help us focus.

In Math we are trying to answer the question: What is the connection between addition and subtraction?

3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Science I learn

ed that blubber can be really warm and it can be good for insulation." M.S.
2. "In Math we got a new problem. We learned what is the same to addition and subtraction." L.S. and S.M.
3. 'With our Artist in Residence we learned where we could put white charcoal on our animal to make our animals lighter." K.H.

1. Please return Leighton form.
2. Student Led conferences next Thursday evening. No sign up required. We are excited to share our learning with you! If you would like a private meeting, Friday morning is available. Please email me if you would like to discuss your child's progress on Friday morning.

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...