Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Styrofoam Attack of 2019!

This afternoon we learned that Scientists look at data from an experiment to help them decide their next steps. We examined our data from yesterday's experiment which tested using different materials to prevent an ice cube from melting. The results showed that styrofoam was the best insulator and the plastic cups/containers were the worst. We then played with the styrofoam and the plastic cups to try and figure out what it was about each of them that made such a difference in their ability to insulate. We quickly discovered the static power of styrofoam as our classroom became an ocean of tiny styrofoam balls which stuck to our hair, clothes, faces, etc. A good run outside was the best solution to get it off!

Tomorrow we will extend this learning to see if the same materials are able to insulate something hot. I wonder what the results will be?

3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Science I learned that styrofoam has static electricity in it." L.S.
     "In Science we got to play with the styrofoam to figure out a question: Why can styrofoam keep ice cold?" M.S.
2. "In Math we learned how to measure stuff, for example a ruler and how to measure accurately." O.S.
3. "In Writer's Workshop we learned that settings explains where your story starts and it ends and where the middle is." D.G.

1. Return Science Home Journal by Thursday. If you did not attend Student Led Conferences, please do not worry about our Science Home Journal this week.
2. Voiter's Flats field study next Tuesday. Please return form.

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...