Monday, September 23, 2019

Toonies for Terry

3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Math we were learning ABC patterns with shapes and colors. We also had a problem: Mikayla had a bowl of jellybeans. It had 63 jellybeans. She had friends and we could decide how many. We had to decide what was the best way to share the jellybeans." A.C.
2. "In Inquiry we built optimal communities. We had to answer 2 important questions when we were building: What was in our community and Why do we need it?" K.O.
3. "In Writer's Workshop we read a book called Superworm. We were writing stories about superheroes." A.D.

Today we talked about the word hero and who we think of when of this word. This is going to lead to a discussion around Canadian heroes-including Terry Fox. Every September schools across Canada participate in different learning activities to learn about Terry, and most importantly The Terry Fox school run.
Our run will be this Friday shortly after 11am. During this week students are encouraged to bring a 'Toonie for Terry' to help support the Terry Fox Foundation and research for cancer.

1. Prince's Island Park field study forms went home today. Please sign and return.
2. I am still accepting Chickadee/Owl/Chirp magazine order forms. Even if you don't subscribe you can return the form to get free stickers.
3. We need volunteers for our field study next Thursday, October 3rd to Prince's Island Park. This is an AM trip only. Please email me if you are available.
4. Pictures went home today. Please return with the order form if you want to order pictures.

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...