Monday, December 2, 2019

Using our Food Bank for Learning!

We are focusing on how to make a reasonable estimates. Using our observations and using other important information will help us make a reasonable estimate. We are trying really hard to not count each object when making an estimate, which is proving to be very difficult! We will be using our Food Bank items to really help us with our learning this week. :)

3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Math we learned about how to make a reasonable estimate for the food in the Food Bank boxes and then we counted the food to get the actual amount." P.D.
2. "In Science we learned that scientists use reasoning to explain why D.T.'s group was the best insulator." A.H.
We are working on explaining why something happened in Science based on what we know and what we know about a topic. 
3."In Inquiry we sorted the animals lived in Meteghan, Saskatoon, and Iqaluit and we played a Canadian game on our laptops." K.O. 

1. Keep bringing food in. We only have 2 more weeks to fill 7 boxes!
2. Fun snack on Friday. 
3. Book ordersBook orders due back no later than Tuesday December 9th.

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...