My homework tonight is to sit down with Mommy, Daddy or both and look at my report card. We are going to celebrate what I'm doing really well, and what I want to get better at.
3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Gym it was our last day of Mission Impossible so we got to turn the lights out to do it." A.H.
2. "In our Science Home Journals we have a new problem. We spilled grape juice on the floor and we tried to clean it with a cardboard box, a plastic bag and a sock. K.O.
3. "In Reader Workshop we got to go to two stations. My stations were Read to Self and Word Work." A.C.
1. A lot of kids are coming to school with gum and eating it. Please do not bring gum to school. We do not want gum on our floor or furniture for Mr. B. to clean up.
2. Science Home Journals went home today. Please return early next week.
Week 13 Learning Plan Overview
Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...
This afternoon we had a beautiful day for our walk down to the Andrew Sibbald bridge. We enjoyed watching the river move and all the differe...
3 Things We Learned Today: 1. "In Science we did an experiment of a jar and boiled water and Borax. We mixed them together to see if w...
We learned about the very first way people moved from place to place today! Ask me to find out how! (and this way of transportation is still...