1. "In Art we painted a Valentine's painting with a heart. What was special was there was Math in it. The Math in it was doing patterns and the Science was how the black crayon didn't fade away when the paint went on top of it." R.L.
2. "In Math we guessed how many jube-jube hearts were in the bag." A.Z.
3. "In Gym we did passing in hockey. We learned to pass the puck properly by not slapping the puck." E.A.
This week we have been focusing on kindness. Your child should be bringing home a sheet today that we completed last week. It shows a goal that they created for themselves related to kindness. I have encouraged each child to have a conversation with Mom and/or Dad around their goal and whether or not they were able to meet it. If so, celebrate and set a new goal! If not, what changes could they make to hopefully work on it next week.
Enjoy your long weekend! I encourage you to join many other people who are doing a No-Tech Family Day. How could you plan to spend Family Day with no technology involved?
1. No school Thursday, Friday or Monday.
2. Thank you for those of you willing to volunteer. We now have enough volunteers for our trips to Hulls Wood and the Glenbow Museum.
3. Shortly after February 21st the Grade 2 team will be sending home a list of the remaining field studies for the year. This should hopefully help out with your planning on volunteering for future trips.