We had an exciting Monday! We had 2 special guests-Green Calgary and Ms. Sarah.
We started our day with Green Calgary who presented us with the challenge of creating a community that would be able to have animals, people, buildings, roads and water. Where would we put each thing?
Then we had some toxins enter our communities-fertilizer, gasoline and old paint were 'poured' into our water systems. We got to see first hand what happens to not only our water, but the animals and people when these poisons enter our systems. We also learned where the water goes once it enters the drains. I'd encourage you to ask your child about ways to be resourceful with our water.
We had our first photography session with Ms. Sarah. Today we learned how the first camera worked and we actually made a human camera!
1. Glenbow Museum field study this Thursday. I am still missing a handful of forms. Please return ASAP.
2. We are going to the Apple Store on March 18th in the morning. This field study will focus on learning new apps to help us enhance our writing. If you would like to volunteer, please email me.