3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Math I learned what 364 + 49 equals using the stacking strategy. It equalled 411." A.H.
2. "In Coding we had to solve problems. Some of us were on lesson 1 with Angry Birds. Some of us were on lesson 4 with Ice Age and some of us were on Level 6, which is diamond gem collecting." A C.
3. Something I learned today to keep myself healthy is not touching your face and putting your hands in your math. After we blow our nose, sneeze, go to the bathroom and eat we wash our hands. Room 2 did a strategy of putting a date stamp on our hands and by the end of the day it had to be off." K.O.
1. Student Learning Conversations have been cancelled next week. Stay tuned for updates.
Week 13 Learning Plan Overview
Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...
This afternoon we had a beautiful day for our walk down to the Andrew Sibbald bridge. We enjoyed watching the river move and all the differe...
3 Things We Learned Today: 1. "In Science we did an experiment of a jar and boiled water and Borax. We mixed them together to see if w...
We learned about the very first way people moved from place to place today! Ask me to find out how! (and this way of transportation is still...