1. "In Art we started carving soap sculptures. We learned that when people carve soapstone they use special tools like tools." O.C
2. "In Math we learned a new strategy called stacking strategy." E.A.
3. "In Inquiry we chose the picture we thought was the best. We are going to make a video about the picture." S.O.
Remaining field studies that we require volunteers for:
a) Downtown Walk, Tuesday, April 14th in the p.m. 4 volunteers needed
b) CPAWS at Nose Hill Park, Tuesday, April 21st all day. 3 more volunteers needed.
c) Chinook Honey Farm, Thursday, May 7th all day. 4 volunteers needed.
d) Weaselhead park, Wednesday, June 3rd all day. 4 volunteers needed.
e) Heritage Park, Tuesday, June 16th all day. 4 volunteers needed.
We are also getting a Mountie Kit from Fort Calgary in May. There will be a small fee charged to access and borrow this kit.
1. Science Home Journals due back now. New problem coming on Friday!
2. Fun snack on Friday.