Welcome to Week 5 Room 2 Families!
I hope you have been enjoying the warmer weather these days. Please see below for the upcoming week's learning plan.
Miss you all! Hope to see you all soon online.
Miss. Moore
Grade 2 Learning Plan
Week 5
April 27-May 1
Here is your learning plan for next week. Please remember that your learning includes 5 hours of Literacy (Reading/Writing) and Math over the week, which you could do approximately 1 hour per day. Below is a sample schedule you can follow.
Sample Schedule
Learning Plan Overview:
Literacy: Revising How To Writing
Math: Estimation, Place Value and Rounding
Personal Challenge: Courage
Staples: Tool Skills, Canstruction Challenge, Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt
Bonus Activity: Is it Living or Non-Living?
Google Meet at 10am. Please check our Google Classroom Stream page for the Google Meet link which will be available at 9:45am.