Grade 2 Learning Plan
Week 8
May 19-22
Here is your learning plan for next week. Please remember that your learning includes 5 hours of Literacy (Reading/Writing) and Math over the week, approximately 1 hour per day. Below is a sample schedule you can follow.
Please note that Monday is a holiday, so this week will have 4 hours of work (and 4 tasks for literacy and math).
Learning Plan Overview:
Learning tasks:
- Literacy: Insect Stories
- Math: Addition
Optional Activities:
- *NEW* Math Extension Activity
- Personal Challenge: Check out the iLab Classroom
- Science Bonus Activity: Travelling Toothpicks
Due to a very low participation rate in the ‘Staples’ each week, the Grade 2 team has decided to provide some Math extension activities that promote critical and deep thinking. We hope you enjoy the new activities!
Below are sample schedules that you are welcome to follow if you would like. They are only suggestions, and we hope each family finds what works best for them.
Sample Schedule