Friday, June 5, 2020

Week 11 Learning Plan Overview

Welcome to Week 11!

Reminder that we will be meeting on Tuesday, June 7th for our Google Meet. This week's theme is Your Favourite Book! Come dressed up as your favourite book character (not a video game character) or bring your favourite book to the Meet!

Grade 2 Learning Plan

Week 11

June 8-12

Here is your learning plan for next week. Please remember that your learning includes 5 hours of Literacy (Reading/Writing) and Math over the week, approximately 1 hour per day. Below is a sample schedule you can follow. 

Please note that Monday is a holiday, so this week will have 4 hours of work (and 4 tasks for literacy and math).

Learning Plan Overview: 

Learning tasks:

  • Literacy: Building a Treehouse 

  • Math: Shapes and Mental Math

Optional Activities:

  • Math Extension Activity: Building Furniture, Scrabble Score, Dominoes for Two

  • Science Bonus Activity: A Wing and Some Air

Below are sample schedules that you are welcome to follow if you would like. They are only suggestions, and we hope each family finds what works best for them.

Sample Schedule

Sample A Schedule






Class Meet




30 min


30 min


30 min


30 min


30 min



30 min


30 min


30 min


30 min


30 min

Sample B Schedule








(Book or Raz Kids)


(Book or Raz Kids)

Math Extension Activity


(Book or Raz Kids)


(Book or Raz Kids)

Writing Task

(30 mins)

Class Meet 10:00am


(Book or Raz Kids)

Writing Task

(30 mins)

Math Task (30 mins)

Math Task (30 mins)

Writing Task

(30 mins)

Math Task (30 mins)

Math Task (30 mins)



Bonus Activity

Writing Task

(30 mins)

Math Task (30 mins)


Bonus Activity

Math Extension Activity


Bonus Activity

Writing Task (30 mins)

Math Extension Activity


Learning Intentions: 

  • I can brainstorm vocabulary words for a topic.

  • I can use vocabulary words to label. 

  • I can use vocabulary words in sentences. 

  • I can edit my writing for capitals, periods, lowercase letters, and spelling.


This week, you are going to create a plan for your very own treehouse. First, we will read along with two books to help us begin to brainstorm. Next, we will brainstorm important vocabulary words to use. Then you are going to write information about your imagined treehouse.

Task 1: Building a Treehouse 

  1. Read along with the first story: If I Built A House 

  2. Read along with the second story: Everything You Need for a Treehouse 

  3. Discuss what stood out to you, and what you need to build a treehouse. Thinking about the first story, what creative ideas would you include in your treehouse?

  4. Start designing your treehouse (both inside and outside)

Task 2: Treehouse Vocabulary Brainstorm

  1. Brainstorm important words you will use to label and write about your treehouse. What kinds of vocabulary words come along with a treehouse? 

  2. Observe pictures in the Task 2 Activity PDF to help guide you. 

  3. Continue designing your treehouse from task 1, adding labels.
    *Remember to use neat lines and printing, just like in our iLab plans!

Task 3: Treehouse Writing Brainstorm

  1. Brainstorm at least 5 ideas to share information about your treehouse. Use the following questions to guide you:

    1. What are the parts of your treehouse?

    2. What is your favourite part of your tree house? 

    3. Why did you include certain things? 

    4. Who would use your treehouse? 

    5. Where would you build it?

  2. Add vocabulary into your brainstorm where it might fit.

Task 4: Treehouse Writing

  1. Write a minimum of 5 sentences about your treehouse, making sure you’ve included some vocabulary words from your brainstorm. 

  2. Edit your writing to check for capitals, periods, lowercase letters, and spelling.

Task 5: Ketchup and Pickle (Catch-up and Pick) 


  1. Ketchup: Feel free to take time to finish your story if you aren’t quite finished yet. 

  2. Pickle: If you’re all done your story and are looking for a fun activity to do, you can choose from these options:

Build your Treehouse-

Using household supplies (paper, cardboard, paper towel rolls, tape, glue, etc) you can create a model of your treehouse! You could also try with other building supplies like lego, knex, etc.

Make your own Word Search-

Using your vocabulary words, create your own word search with the blank template on google classroom. Share it with a family member.

Raz Kids- 

Find a story on Raz kids and record you reading it for your teacher to hear. 


Learning Intention:

  • I can identify 2D and 3D shapes and their attributes

  • I can add numbers up to 20 using mental math

Task 1: 

Naming Shapes

Learning intention:

  • I can identify 2D shapes

Watch these youtube videos to learn about different shapes!

Naming Shapes:



Play Identifying Shapes Bump Game

Watch the video with Ms. Watts to see how to play!

Supplies Needed:

  • Paper clip

  • Pencil

  • Game board

  • 2 sets of 10 pieces or other marker (different colour for each player)

How to play:

  1. Spin the paper clip and pencil.

  2. Read the name of the shape you land on. Cover the shape you land on with a lego piece.

  3. You can bump the other player off a shape if you get the same shape.

  4. If a student gets a shape twice, they can freeze it with 2 of their cubes.

  5. The first player to run out of cubes is the winner.

Upload a picture of your game to the classroom.

 Task 2:

Attribute Bump Game

Learning intention:

  • I can describe the attribute of a shape

Watch this youtube video to find out more about attributes:

Watch the video with Ms. Watts to see how to play!

Supplies Needed:

  • Paper clip

  • Pencil

  • Game board

  • 2 sets of 10 pieces or other marker (different colour for each player)

How to play:

  1. Spin the paper clip and pencil.

  2. Read the attribute you land on. Cover the attribute you land on with a lego piece.

  3. You can bump the other player off a shape if you get the same attribute

  4. If a student gets an attribute twice, they can freeze it with 2 of their cubes.

  5. The first player to run out of cubes is the winner.

Upload a picture of your game to the classroom.

Task 3:

3D Shape Identification

Learning Intention:

  • I can name a 3d shape

  • I can identify the attributes of a 3D shape

Watch this youtube video to learn more about 3D shapes

Supplies needed:

  • Properties of 3D shape tip sheet

  • 3D shapes attribute practice sheet

  1. Use the practice sheet and the youtube video to help you complete the practice page.

  1. Upload your finished work to the classroom!

Task 4:

Make Your Own 3D Shapes

Learning intention:

  • I can construct a 3D shape

  • I can name a 3D shape

  • I can name the attributes of a 3D shape

Supplies needed:

  • Scissors

  • Tape or glue

  • Make your own 3D shapes pages 1-8

Watch the video with Ms. Watts to see an example

  1. Cut out the shape.

  2. Use tape or glue to assemble to shape.

  3. On the spaces provided write the name, and how many edges and corners (vertices) the shape has.

  4. Take a picture of your shapes and upload them to the classroom!

Task 5:

What Makes 20?

Learning intention:

  • I can use mental math to find sums to 20

Watch the video with Ms. Watts to see how to play

Supplies needed:

  • 2 players

  • 2 dice

  • Gameboard

  • Game pieces for each player ( each player needs their own colour)

  1. Player 1 rolls the dice and announces the sum. Player 1 thinks what number needs to be added to the sum to make 20.

    1. For example, player 1 rolls a 4 and 3. The sum of 4 and 3 is 7. Player 1 knows 7+13=20, so player 1 covers 13 on the gameboard.

  2. Player 2 takes their turn.

  3. The first player with 4 numbers in a row (diagonal, up and down, or sideways) wins.

Upload a picture of your gameboard to the classroom!

Math Extension Activities (Optional)

Looking for more of a challenge? Try out one or more of these Math problems!

  1. Block Furniture

  2. Scrabble Scoring

  3. Guess the Dominoes. Click on the link to play the game:

Science Bonus Activity (Optional)

Learning Intention:

  • I can explain air pressure.


We’re back this week with another fun experiment with Bill Nye the Science Guy!


Follow the instructions on the attached handout to perform this cool Science experiment! (see Google Classroom for handout)

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

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