Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Sick Patient!

Today we had a sick patient in Room 2! Different groups of students created a 'sick patient' of one of their classmates. Using visuals and text, students had to create someone who answered these 3 questions:
1. What do you look like when you're sick?
2. What do you wear when you are sick?
3. What do you sound like when you are sick?

We then did a gallery walk and recorded some of our observations. It was easy to see or hear that someone is sick, but can you see what's happening inside?

Today we learned that when our body is healthy the temperature is 37.5 d

3 Things We Learned Today
1. "In Science we learned about germs and what happens to our body when we get sick." M.S.
2. "In Math we got a new math problem. It's about Hannah and Avery baking 45 cookies. " D.G. "It was a backwards problem." S.C.
3. "In Writer's Workshop we learned what to do after you edit your story." D.T.

1. Swimming forms due back now.
2. Ann and Sandy Cross field study on Thursday. Dress for the weather as we will be outside all day!

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...