Monday, January 13, 2020

Throwing water into freezing air!

3 Things We Learned Today:
1. "In Science we went outside and we learned that when you throw hot water into the cold air it just turns into fog. And Miss. Moore also threw cold water into the air and it just stayed a liquid." P.D.
2. 'In Music we played a game called Black Snake and there was a song that goes with it. We were learning how to sing the song and we watched a music video that taught you about the woodwind family." A.H. and A.D.
3. "In Gym we were practicing poses called stunts. One stunt was called the stork pose." S.O.

1. Pyjama and Stuffy day on Friday, January 17th. 
2. Fun snack on Friday.

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...