Grade 2 Learning Plan
April 6-10, 2020
Here is your learning plan for next week. Please remember that your learning includes 5 hours of Literacy (Reading/Writing) and Math over the week. That means you should be working on these learning tasks for about 1 hour every day. Below is a sample schedule you could follow if you’d like.
Sample Schedule
Personal Challenge
Writing Task (30 mins)
Staple Activity
Good Friday
Math Task (30 min)
Math Task (30 mins)
Staple Activity
Writing Task
Math Task (30 mins)
Writing Task (45 mins)
Staple Activity
Math Task (30 mins)
Bonus Activity:
Egg Challenge
Bonus Activity:
Egg Challenge
Bonus Activity:
Egg Challenge
Bonus Activity:
Egg Challenge
Staple Activity
Learning Plan Overview:
Literacy: The Best Part of Me
Math: Measurement
Personal Challenge: Perseverance
Staples: Reading, Physical Activity,
Bonus Activity: Egg Challenge
To get specifics about each of the above Learning Tasks, please refer to the classroom blog and Google Classroom.
Raz-Kids for Reading:
Raz-Kids is now set up for all students in each Grade 2 classroom. This platform will support student reading at home. Login Instructions are:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, klmoore1123
Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart
Step 4: Your child enters his or her password (Rabbit icon)
Reminder: First Google Meet-Up is on Tuesday, April 14th at 10am. Go to Google Classroom stream page 15 minutes before to find the link.
Learning Intentions:
I can explain why something is the best by using different examples.
I can correctly use periods, capital letters and sight words in my writing.
This week we are going to focus on the book, The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald. This connects to our inquiry question of, ‘Why is _____ the best choice?’
Your job this week will be to create a page for our own class book, The Best Part of Me, based on what you think is your best body part. You will have two tasks:
Task 1: Best Part of Me Writing (Due Friday, April 10th)
Task 2: Best Part of Me Photograph (Due Tuesday, April 14th)
Your teacher can then create our digital class book to share with the class!
Task 1: Best Part of Me Writing
Brainstorm: think about which part of you is your favourite, then write down 5 reasons why it is your favourite part of you.
***You can either print out this at home to write on, or you can copy this into a notebook/piece of paper.
Write at least five sentences explaining why it is the best part of you. Please write on paper. Here are some optional sentence starters to help you (you don’t have to use these sentence starters if you have your own ideas):
My _______ helps me......
I can use my _______ to help others because....
I think my ________ is important because......
I like my_____ because…..
I need my ______ for…...
Edit your writing. Make sure you have:
Capitals at the start of each sentence
Periods at the end of each sentence
Correct spelling of sight words
Your neatest printing (lowercase letters,
Upload a photo of your finished writing on google classroom writing assignment (add file).
Give yourself a pat on the back! You did it!
Task 2: Best Part of Me Photograph
Review the 5 elements of photography:
Perspective (birds eye, ants eye)
Rule of thirds
Leading Line
pattern, and
Choose one element to focus on and take at least 5 photographs of the favourite part of you. You may get someone else to help you if needed. Choose your favourite one.
Upload your favourite photograph onto google classroom writing assignment (add file).
Give yourself another pat on the back! All done!
Learning Intention:
Task: Measuring
Watch the video: How Big is a foot? Pretend you are the apprentice and you are still in jail. Write a letter to the king to explain what happened and how you can fix the problem.
Using the pictures below find something in your house you can measure using a digit, palm, span, and cubit. Write your answers in a notebook or piece of paper.
Measure the length of your kitchen table using your span. Record your measurements. Have an adult in your house measure the length of your kitchen table using their span. Record their measurements. Did you get the same answer? Why or why not? Write your answers in a notebook or piece of paper.
Measure a family member using a “cubit”. Have the person stand with their back to a wall and make a small pencil mark at the tallest point. Write your answers in a notebook or piece of paper.
Are body parts the best way to measure things?
What is good about using body parts to measure?
What is not good about using body parts to measure?
Upload a photo of your work to math assignment on week 2.
Personal Challenge
Learning Intention:
Think about a goal you’d like to achieve this week. Our focus this week will be on the word perseverance.
Task: What is your perseverance goal?
What does that word mean?
What does it mean to persevere?
Think of something that you are going to try and persevere in at home this week. It could be related to a learning task, a sport, a new hobby.
Share your perseverance goal with a parent.
Respond to the Personal Challenge Question on Google Classroom.
Staples (Optional)
Remember these Staples are like a ‘bonus’ to your day. They are to help add some fun and to develop skills that you may not do at school. Here’s some ideas on what to do this week: Try to do at least 30 minutes of the Staples each day
Cooking: Make pretzels. You’ll need yeast, flour, water, salt, milk, oil and baking soda.
Physical Activity: Do you have an old exercise ball, an ottoman (or something similar to turn upside down and use as a base) and a couple of wooden spoons? This site has drumming routines for Footloose, Party Rock, I Got a Feeling and more. Once you have a feel for the moves, choreograph your own!
Bonus Activity (Optional)
Learning Intention:
Task: Easter Egg STEM Challenge
Either print or copy the outline below to design a structure to protect an egg when dropped from a height! I encourage you to have everyone in your family create their own device!
Use the recording sheet or make your own to find out the results!