Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Our first Google Meet Debrief

Dear Parents/Guardians 
Thanks so much for helping your child log on and interact today with Google Meet! We are planning to have a whole class Google Meet Up once a week. We will meet every Tuesday morning at 10am. Please check the Google Classroom stream every Tuesday morning at 9:45am to find the link to the Google Meet Up. 

Our Meet Up went well, however we'd appreciate you reviewing a couple of etiquette points with your child before we meet again. This will help ensure our classroom meets to run smoothly and in a timely manner.   
Do's of the Chat Sidebar 
Don'ts of the Chat Sidebar 
  • Ask questions to your teacher 
  • Answer your teacher's questions 
  • Type hello at the start/bye at the end 
  • Ask other students questions 
  • Goof around or be silly 

I mentioned today in our Google Meet that I would like to meet with each child individually for a learning conference at least once a week for 15 minutes. These one to one conferences will begin the week of Tuesday, April 14th.  You may request a booking by emailing me at:  klmoore@cbe.ab.ca

Week 13 Learning Plan Overview

Wow-Week 13! Who would've thought that our online learning would've lasted this long? I know it's gone by very quickly, and it...